External Slabs 4
In my continuing quest to clear the site as much as possibleI have loaded the trailer for the recycling centre. I have been installing and testing the internet system to enable me to get the ....
In my continuing quest to clear the site as much as possibleI have loaded the trailer for the recycling centre. I have been installing and testing the internet system to enable me to get the ....
The tilers finally arrived at about 11.00 this morning after telling me 08.00. They made a quick start. The first thing was the completion of the jointing on the ground floor. The assistant/driver can be ....
I had cancelled the tilers because of the weather. It was partly because I did not want them laying the slabs in wet weather and partly because the weather had pushed my schedule back and ....
Came in via the electrical shop having bought the bits need to get the cabling from the panels down to the underground cable that connects the BBQ/Workshop to the car park. Having read the manual, ....
I am not keen on moving the PV Panels yet again and despite chasing MG Habitat for a return to site date I have heard nothing back. So I have decided to install them on ....
I have finished cabling the panels on the car park roof and today the underfloor heating pipe is finally on site. All 500m of it. Should have been done before they fitted the heat pump ....
Each panel has its own inverter (so if a panel or an inverter fail, the rest of the system still keeps working). These are all connected via cables and plugs. It is a 3 phase ....
Car park panel supports fitted. Took time to saw some of the old beams from the upper mezzanine for future firewood. All stored behind the fence to keep the garden clear.
With the frame in place, I have covered it with a breathable membrane. I t gives a good impression of the final space. On the car park roof the positioning of the supports for the ....
With both sides doe I can finally fit the rear trim to the roof. It has to be trimmed as the rear and side trims clash at the corners. So, on to the Car Park ....