When I arrived this morning after leaving early on Friday I was pleased to find the BBQ and Workshop area had been prepared and compacted along with the cleanse and preparation of the bike store. The BBQ and patios will all be hard surface while the parking and pathways are all soft (gravel) to assist drainage. The outside is now really taking shape and clearly shows how it will look.

Florent (above) finished off clearing the kitchen area by moving the old stone animal drinking basin. Sadly it broke but we will try to reuse the parts elsewhere in the property.

Both the outside and inside are looking tidy although we still need to take the final part of the wall down when the tie bar arrives.

Meanwhile I got on with removing and stacking on the bonfire the last of the old flooring and moved the beams across to Andrew and Philippe.

Henri (our neighbour and the person we bought the barn from) has kindly provided an electrical supply for Florent as I have had little time to get the provisional supply working. I have mounted a board for the temporary placing of the water and electrical supplies but like everything with old properties it took a little longer than anticipated as the wall is not quite vertical!