Upper Mezzanine Floor 5
Started the day by trimming the joists in preparation for the oak fascia that has now been ordered but will a 4 to 6 week delivery!

Experimented with the oak flooring to see how to fit it without getting joints next to each other. I have various lengths of parquet from 300 mm to 1200 mm so organising where to use them is quite important. Some of the planks are badly water damaged so I may have to sand them all back. For this floor, this means sanding both sides as the underside will be exposed on completion as shown.

With the gutter nearly installed at the front of the BBQ I looked to do the back against the wall which has suffered badly with all the rain, turning it green with moss. There is not enough room to get the screws in direct to the rafters so I have constructed a separate support for the clips that will then be fitted to the underside of the rafters to support the gutter.