Butter would not melt in his mouth
We brought the dogs over last week as the weather has improved and there was no need to tie them up as the site was secure. Or so we thought! This rascal squeezed under the metal grill and set off on a tour of the hamlet. He is a rescue dog and is not interested in any of my commands. We finally recovered him and had to tie both him and Luc up again to stop him repeating his escapade.

So today I came over to kill two birds with one stone (sic). I have taken some of the old loose stones from inside the house and used them to provide an impenetrable barrier this time.

Our plans have not been refused but I have been asked to provide some more detail. Basically photo montages that show the before and after of the building and garden. Delivered them back on 7th February which resets the 60 day approval period. So at best it will not be approved before 7th April now.