Electric Gates 2

By lunchtime, Erik had finished the installation. By then I had installed the lock plate for the new Yale lock and provided a temporary electrical supply for him to test the doors.

So finally, we have electric gates for the entrance and an intelligent lock on the door to enable us (once the internet is installed to communicate with and allow access to anyone coming to the house, wherever we are in the world!

I have also had a push button switch added to enable opening manually if needed but also to eventually integrate with the smart home so it will be able to be opened through voice commands. Technology, don’t you love it.

The builders (or any visitor) can have a code for the Yale lock and then open the doors manually for access.

Not the fastest gates in the world but it will be a lot easier accessing the property now without having to get out of the car. The right gate is set to open first and close last as the doors are rebated.