Back or no back, the gates needed to be installed. Actually the medication has made me much more mobile but I am still cautious about doing anything that exerts too much strain on it.
Eric Jegou of OHM ELEC has organised the materials and we agreed today for the installation. Following his visit on 6th December his price was good and he also seemed easy to work with and today that turned out to be true.
While I stood (or sat) and watched from inside he got on with the installation. because the door axis is offset significantly from the fixing point for the sewing arm, it took several attempts to get the position correct so there will be some filling of holes to be done later. However once the LHS was done, the RHS was easier. Except that the vertical piece of wood that used to constrain the wooden bolt mechanism (photo 2)interfered with the arm movement.
While Erik installed the controller on the stone wall (photo 3) I cut out the offending timber so the door could be opened un-impeded.

It took longer than Erik had thought so the installation was not completed in the one day.