Garden Wall 1

Our focus switched to the swimming pool over the weekend to agree where the heat pumps and technical areas will go. Yet more underground cables to be laid! The heat pumps will also affect the pathway behind but we will probably not change it, just accept that for that short section the pathway will be a bit narrower.

Yesterday was spent catching up on quotes and payments and also visiting shops to look at the options for the flooring inside and the patios outside. Most of it is cheap tiling that is quite thin and we do not like it. However, we chanced across a site that supplies natural stone at reasonable prices. It will cost more but having quality natural stone is important to us so the money will have to be found. It also means I can finally confirm the thicknesses of the finishes to Florent so he can set the final levels outside to match what will be the finished level inside.

Today I visited the site to carry on removing the ivy on the garden walls and was surprised to see that quite a lot of progress had been made on the garden wall since my last visit. the foundations have gone in and the first lift of stones have been installed. The guys were on site and intended continuing with it today. However as the concrete cannot be delivered until next week, they will drop off to finish an outstanding roof for another client for the rest of the week.

Before they left I got them to help me move the caravan to a more convenient position in front of the PV panels.