December 4
Not much to show for the cable runs being installed other than the mess at the distribution board gets worse. Erik the electrician will eventually sort it and organise the Consuel (certificate of approval sfor the electrical installation) so we can finally be connected to the electrical mains and sell our electricity which we cannot do as long as we are on a provisional building site connection.

The heating engineers work. Connections to the underfloor heating manifold (the lower) and the radiator distribution manifold (the upper) taken up through the master bedroom ago the cylinders in the attic.

Shelving finished and installed.

Now that the mains electric cable is in place I need to rewire the provisional supply as I had been using the cable that connects the PV Panels to the road as my incoming line. I now need it to connect to the meter. So I have found some alternative cable to rig a connection with and disconnected the PV cable and reconnected the incoming provisional mains to the alternative cable. Not easy working with 16mm2 cables but it had been done.