Finally sorted the electrics with the multi-meter. The temporary cable has been run to the future meter box position on the garden wall. There I have connected the three phase supply to one of of the cables that goes back to the parking area where the construction meter box has been installed. Joint done and electrics are finally on!

When we first visited the site to buy iy there was a caravan parked under the mezzanine in the Lounge. When we completed, Henri had moved it for us to clear the property. He and Monique then told us that if we wanted it, we could have it to use as a site office. The door was not opening properly so I had to force it open and it now needs new hinges which I have finally sourced.

As the car park is ready for use and Florent intends putting his site office there, I took the opportunity to move the caravan onto the land. For its age it is in remarkable condition and will prove quite useful. Needs tidying up but nothing major. Bank holiday weekend so time for a brief rest.