External Slabs 5

Friday was a complex day. I started by driving via Cognac to collect Metawaley and bring him here to start working. Then off to Saintes for another length of cable to connect the PV controller panel (but no time to fit it). I then had to drive to Limoges Airport to collect Jude whose travel plans had been messed up bit the Manchester power cut. Delayed a bit by the need to recharge the car in central Limoges. After dropping Jude off at the rental house with the dogs I had to return to site to take Metawaley to the chambre d’hôte I had organised for him to stay in over the weekend to avoid problems with weekend train services. He is at the Eco’Musée du Cognac which is about 3 kms away. An operational cognac distillery that offers a private museum, shop and guest rooms in beautiful grounds with a swimming pool. I think he was impressed.

Consequently I have not done anything today on the house.

He has worked hard all day in my absence with the cutting in at the edges so now the slabs are finished up to the doors and to the entrance of the bike store and almost done around to the workshop but not quite.