Ground Floor Tiling 11

Monday morning and no translator. we use google translate and get by pretty well.Matetawaley is enamoured with Judith after the excellent dinner we had last night.

The shower is built and then tiled around and soon we were installing the final tiles with me again cutting and carrying for him.

With the main house done, he turned his attention to the ceramic tiling for the workshop. These are the tile I reclaimed from the house fire and offered to Alain. When he had finished flooring his new extension there were some left and these are the ones we are using here. Miraculously there are just enough.

By the end of the day both the house and the workshop look good. Grouting next.

I am still moving items in the garden and came across the Buddha so have placed it by the window to look over us. All but the far crate are now empty and will need to be moved before the next lot of tilling goes down.