Windows and Timber Frame Installation 21
Alain Chergui arrived first thing and delivered back the left over tiles from the floor he has just installed. The tiles are well travelled. We bought them initially for the new floor at the Chai Barn development that was lost in the fire. I found them under the collapsed roof when clearing some of the damage away to access my old office in the hope of recovering some souvenirs and treasures (which I did. not many but some).
So I offered them to Alain for the extension he was doing at this house and he has installed them in the new workspace he has built. these were left over and initially I told him to dispose of them but then realised there was enough for the floor of our new workshop next to the BBQ. Hence the delivery this morning.

After he left and the rain stopped I applied myself to cladding the concrete post by the main entrance doors. I am pleased with the final result as the last piece of trim showed that the wall was not as straight as it looked and had a distinct bulge midway. Experienced carpenters see how to scribe these pieces immediately. Lesser mortals have to think about them for some time to make sure the right bit of wood is cut off! The side on photo (the fourth) shows the result.

Until the new window flashings arrive, the external cladding is effectively finished so I can turn my attention indoors again. The rain will stop and the sun come out probably. I need to replace the temporary plank supporting the oak beams for the upper mezzanine with two of the left over oak beams to finish it off properly. Before removing the planks, I had to insert small pieces of wood to maintain the level of each beam. Once done the temporary plank could be removed. The oak beams are not just for show or aesthetic value. they are needed to reinforce the original beam which is substantial but which also has evidence of a large and potentially problematic shake in the middle. The oak will improve its integrity.

With half an hour spare, I built my 40 euro saw table from Lidl. The quality is really very good and the table is better than the one I lost in the fire that cost 140 euros.