PV Panels 7

As part of the recording of the inverters and to make life easier for the installers I have numbered all of them with reference to the panel layout map.

Soon after I had finished the labelling, MG Habitat arrived to install the heat pump, condenser (outside) and heat exchanging water tanks (in the attic).

The system runs two separate outputs. One at 25 to 35 ℃ for the underfloor heating system in the ground floor and one at 45 to 55 ℃ to feed a radiator circuit. So we will be installing wet radiators and towel rails upstairs. Both circuits can also be switched to cooling in the summer, hence the installation of the compressor.

So I have begun to mark out the boundary lines for the underfloor pipes to ensure they avoid the internal walls as I do not want to puncture them when fitting the metal railing system for the internal walls and plasterboard.

In the afternoon I found some time to start working out the best way to clad the workshop.